Dr. Bijal Patel
President, Balboa Nephrology
The following e-mail is posted with Dr. Patel’s consent.
Dear BNMG Colleagues:
I hope this email finds you well. No matter your political stance, I feel it is important to address the current ballot measure, Proposition 29, and how it affects our patients with end-stage kidney disease. This “Dialysis Proposition” is sponsored by the SEIU-UHW (Service Employees International Union – United Healthcare Workers West). This is the 3rd dialysis proposition (previously 2018, 2020) and previous props were rejected by voters 60 and 63%.
Balboa’s stance is Prop 29 does not improve the care of our patients on dialysis. Prop 29 would require a physician or APP (advance practice provider – NP or PA) with dialysis experience to be present in the dialysis clinic for dialysis to occur. Dialysis is a nursing procedure and is not performed by a physician or APP. Our patients are seen on average every week at the dialysis clinic and we are on call for our patients 24/7 for any urgent/emergent issues.
There are currently not enough nephrologists or APPs to staff all the dialysis clinics in our region for the 16 hours per day they are open. Even if there were, the cost to do so would shut down an estimated 40-50% of dialysis clinics in California. Patients would then have to get dialysis in the ER or hospital. This would decrease quality of life for patients, their overall care while driving up costs…the opposite of value-based care.
From the leadership of Balboa Nephrology, we sincerely feel Proposition 29 would harm our patients’ health and well-being. It would prevent Balboa Nephrology from achieving our mission to provide exceptional care for our patients, their families, and our community.
Please consider voting NO on PROP 29.
We are happy to answer any questions or concerns.
Bijal Patel, MD
President, Balboa Nephrology