
Prioritizing Your Plate for Better Kidney Health

by | May 9, 2024 | Nutrition, Patient Education

Recently diagnosed with kidney disease? It can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. There are steps you can take to slow disease progression and feel your best. This includes some key dietary changes!  Our resident Registered Dietician and Health Educator, Min Krishnamurthy, MS RD has some “food for thought”.

“Sodium and carbohydrates are two big ones to watch. High blood pressure and diabetes are linked to kidney disease, and both can be affected by what you eat. So, limiting salty processed foods and sugary drinks is a must.

But remember, every body is different! Your doctor (nephrologist) will help you understand your specific needs based on your lab results. They’ll guide you on which areas of your diet need the most attention.

Superfoods? Not quite. There’s no magic bullet when it comes to kidney health. However, incorporating more plant-based proteins like beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh can be a delicious way to boost your diet.”

Ready to get started? Talk to your doctor to create a personalized plan that fits your taste buds and health goals!

BONUS: Balboa Nephrology Provider, Dr. Juan Calderon Molina explains how diabetes and high blood pressure IMPACT your kidney function in this YouTube Video. Knowledge is power!

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