
BalboaCare.com Is Multilingual

by | May 8, 2024 | Patient Education, Resources

At Balboa Care, we understand that kidney care needs are universal, but language shouldn’t be a barrier to accessing vital information and resources. We’re thrilled to share that our website is available in multiple languages, including Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Arabic, Chinese, Tagalog and Japanese.

With a simple click of a button, people can access our website in their preferred language. This allows them to:

  • Learn more about kidney health and disease.
  • Understand treatment options.
  • Find a clinic or provider near them.
  • Access educational resources and blog posts.

This initiative reflects our commitment to meeting our patients where they are and connecting with their cultural backgrounds. By removing the language barrier, we can ensure everyone has equal access to the information they need to manage their kidney health.

Here’s how to translate our website:

  • Look for the translation button located on the top right corner of the webpage.
  • Select your preferred language from the dropdown menu. The entire website will be translated into your chosen language.

We believe that communication is key to successful healthcare. By offering a multilingual website, we hope to empower our patients to take an active role in their kidney care journey.

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