
The Importance of Clinical Trials

The Importance of Clinical Trials

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Clinical Research, Patient Education

Clinical trials are essential for the development of new and better treatments for diseases and disorders. They are also important for improving the quality of life for people with existing conditions.

Clinical trials are carefully designed studies that test the safety and effectiveness of new medical interventions. These interventions can include new drugs, devices, procedures, or combinations of existing treatments.

Clinical trials are conducted in four phases:

  • Phase 1: A small group of healthy people are given the new intervention to assess its safety and determine the best dose.
  • Phase 2: A larger group of people with the disease or disorder being studied are given the new intervention to assess its effectiveness and safety profile.
  • Phase 3: A large-scale study is conducted to compare the new intervention to the standard of care or other available treatments.
  • Phase 4: The new intervention is monitored after it has been approved by the FDA to assess its long-term safety and effectiveness.

Clinical trials are essential because they provide the scientific evidence that is needed to determine whether a new intervention is safe and effective for patients. Without clinical trials, new treatments would not be available to the public.

Learn more about Balboa Research and if participating in a clinical trial is for you.

Hear from a Balboa Research patient who shares his experience.

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