
You Say You Want a “Resolution”?

by | Dec 28, 2022 | Holiday

Deciding and committing to a resolution is a time to reflect on your behavior—both what you’ve achieved and how you can improve. It’s also a time to frame the upcoming year positively.

If you are racking your brain coming up with your resolution(s), consider mapping out a 12-month plan to gradually reach your New Year’s resolution goals. Try choosing one main goal or theme for the year i.e. following a health treatment plan and set small achievements for each month. Many people with kidney disease find a renal diet difficult. Perhaps a resolution could be to try a new kidney-friendly recipe once a week. Focusing on self-care as a New Year’s resolution can add up to lifelong positive changes. Here are a few other suggestions we found courtesy of Healthgrades.com:


  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Watch your weight
  3. Get outside
  4. Protect yourself from illness
  5. Cut sugar from your diet
  6. Sleep more
  7. Stop complaining
  8. Give your devices some space
  9. Avoid tobacco
  10. Reduce alcohol consumption
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