
Foodie Friday – Shakshuka with Chickpeas & Lemon

Foodie Friday – Shakshuka with Chickpeas & Lemon

by | Feb 11, 2022 | Foodie Friday, Recipes

The dish named Shakshuka is Maghrebi Arabic and essentially means “mixture” or ‘all mixed up’ – and that’s what it is!  According to Wikipedia, the dish, presumed to have originated in northwest Africa and is made up of poached eggs cooked in tomato sauce and peppers, sometimes with onions, other herbs or cheese, and is usually served in the iron pan it was cooked in, along with some bread, which is meant for dipping in the sauce and the soft cooked-egg.  This delicious dish has become popular in America – you can even find a frozen version at Trader Joe’s!

Shakshuka not only has a cool name, its a convenient, one-pot dish and the version we’re sharing is kidney-friendly.  We found this recipe on the Kidneybuzz.com.  Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Source: Kidneybuzz.com





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