This year, let’s resolve to reduce added sugars in our diet!

Min Krishnamurthy MS, RD Registered Dietitian and Health Educator
As a kidney health dietitian at Balboa Nephrology I focus a lot of time educating on how we can protect our kidneys with proper blood sugar control. Excessive consumption of sugar has been associated with several chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, overweight, obesity and even cardiovascular disease. One of the biggest issues is the hidden sugars, which are present in many foods that we are not even aware of. These sneaky ones make it extremely easy to consume more than is recommended.
After a holiday season filled with feasts and treats, it’s time to get a handle on our wellness and set goals for the new year.
So, what can you do to reduce your added sugar intake?
- Recognize the various names of sugar
If you go to your pantry and start looking at labels, you will notice several names assigned to sugar. We can classify them in the group of pure sugars such as cane, brown, coconut and beet. Then there are other forms such as honey and molasses. And then there are the syrups; high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, malt syrup and agave. Confused? There are more! There’s dextrose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, galactose, lactose and glucose. Finally, we still have sugar alcohols or polyols such as xylitol, mannitol and sorbitol. Perhaps an early spring cleaning of the pantry is in order?!
- Use fruit and cinnamon to sweeten
Before reaching for the sugar, honey or maple syrup, opt for fresh fruit and/or cinnamon to add a touch of sweetness and flavor. Plain oatmeal with apples and cinnamon can be a morning treat for your tastebuds without any added sugar! Ditch the flavored versions of products (like oatmeal and yogurt) and add your own personal touches to make them tasty.
- Avoid sugar-filled condiments
Ketchup, barbecue sauce and dressings are flavorful, but are often packed with a lot of added sugars. Although it is now possible to find “healthier” alternatives, most are still very high in sugar and void of other nutrients. Choose condiments like olive oil, vinegar or mustard and always try to add flavor to your dishes using herbs and spices.
- Re-train your tastebuds
You’d be surprised how quickly we can accomplish this by allowing ourselves to wean off, little by little. Try reducing the amount of sweetener you add to your coffee or tea by a quarter teaspoon at a time and give yourself time to adjust. You’ll notice that if you try to use the amount that you used to, it’ll feel a bit overwhelming to the senses. Note, you can also do this for salt and I highly encourage it!
- Sleep well
This recommendation may seem strange, but there is growing evidence that people who sleep less than 7 to 8 hours a night tend to consume more sugary products than those who get adequate sleep. Next time you are deciding between the next episode of your favorite series or sleeping, remember this and get more rest!
Learn more about Min and all the Balboa Nephrology providers by clicking here.